Monday, August 9, 2010

Last Supper (Joey Velasco)

Joey Velasco is a talented Filipino painter and sculptor. He is also a compassionate man.

He finds beauty, hope, strength, and happiness in the most vulnerable in society: the homeless child. Deep in his heart, he knows God loves these perfect beings. What is bleak in his paintings is actually God working through us. Take a look and experience its transformative power.

Behind the photograph of this painting are his words:

Poor Kids In My Pocket

I carry this picture in my pocket,

A simple reminder to me that

No matter where I am,

Jesus and the poor kids are always

in my midst.

This simple card is not a claim stub

To withdraw some blessings in return.

It is not a ticket to free me from guilt

Nor a good luck charm to protect me from harm.

It’s not even to tag me as a man of charity

Fo all the world to see.

It’s simply an understanding

Between Jesus and me.

When I put my hand in my pocket

To bring out my wallet,

It is NOT for alms-giving.

This picture just makes me remember

that I must have a heart to share

that a part of me has to be offered

in simple service and deeds

to the countless little children

whose future is obscure;

who suffer and shiver in the dark;

whose voices are unheard;

whose nightmares come at daytime,

and whose monsters are real.

It’s a symbol of my nearness to God.

So, I carry this little piece in my pocket,

Reminding no one but me,

That I can give hope

If only I care.

-Joey Velasco

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